About me

About me


Profesioanal profile

Hello! I'm Brenda

   My name is Brenda Eloisa Sánchez Pichardo. I am 21 years old and  I am coursing the eighth semester in the undergraduate program on Genomic Sciences (Licenciatura en Ciencias Genómicas), a degree from the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM). Thanks to this program, I have been in contact with academic work across different fields of biology in Mexico and the world, all good experiences, which has encouraged me to build a career in biological scientific research.












   I enjoy programming and I feel confortable using and learning different programming languages.

   I have worked in Linux servers, virtual environments, Git commands.

   Some of my codes are available in my github profile.

   I feel comfortable learning about different pipelines/programs.

  I have experience with common bioinformatic programs.

  I have used R for statistical/bioinformatical analysis.

  I am familiar with the most common databases and basic bioinformatic concepts.

  I keep the trace of relevant bioinformatic tools.

  I have experience in metagenomic projects.

  Differential expression, assemblies, statistic analysis, mappings, alignments, protein prediction are some tasks that I have perfomed.

   Of the courses that I have taken I underline cellular biology, evolution, molecular biology, introduction to biocomplexity, statistics, bioinformatics, dynamical systems, introduction to network theory, biochemistry, machine learning.

  I have explored some fields in an informal way (ecology, immunology, synthetic biology, etc.)

   I am constantly consulting scientific literature.

  I am interested in scientific dissemination.

  I have worked in experimental molecular biology; however, now I only have the notions.

Research interests (I am still working on it)

Many of my interests rely on the study of the dynamic landscape evolution of biological systems. Let’s say, how certain changes in the carbon-oxygen regimes in a microbe community result in hysteresis, where both, anaerobic and aerobic organisms can proliferate in oscillatory abundances even after a change to an oxygen-rich environment (Khazaei, 2020); a similar phenomenon to the genetic switches (Gardner, 2000).

Increasing the information of your biological system can increase the deep of your landscape, and the omics approaches describe a large amount of data about the basic information units of the organisms, the omics allow us to redefine the taxonomy of microorganisms (Mende, 2013), identify immune cell subpopulations and their differentiation trajectories otherwise hidden by similar phenotypic traits (Papalexi, 2018), or make associations of loci with diabetes II risk (Mahajan, 2018). Therefore, I want to keep working on my bioinformatic skills.

 I have a particular interest in the description and measure of the properties of the communities. For example, the microbiome displays constant feedback from the environment (Jha, 2018) while it also has robustness and functional convergence (Duran, 2022). On the other hand, the tumour progression is characterized by an increase in the genetic instability to a certain degree that increases the adaptability (Kauffman, 2009); and the population dynamics of the immune and cancer cells can determine the outcome of the cancer evolution and therapies (X).

 The research of these phenomena can contribute to biotechnological development and vice versa. Nevertheless, I believe that a first step towards the control of communities is the description of the interactions of the host via the immune system. Finally, for personal reasons, I am interested in water scarcity and I would love to match my research interests with this social concern, I believe I am not so far (2021).





I like practicality

Good at teamwork

Autodidact and inquisitive


Some codes.

More of me!


Brenda Eloisa Sánchez Pichardo

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